Friday, December 10, 2010

La madre que quiero ser!!!!

Hoy venía en el carro cuando de repente escuché una canción que ya hoy en el 2010 es del siglo pasado. Quien la canta y de quien es, no es lo que importa. El tema va de un hombre que le hace muchas preguntas a una mujer sobre otro hombre. Por mucho tiempo se pensó que la cancion iba de una infidelidad, hasta que el propio interprete decidió poner fin a las especulaciones y contó la historia verdadera.

Resultó que sí era de un hombre,pero no de un hombre celoso y dolido porque su mujer se había ido con otro. Era de un hombre que iba a extrañar mucho a su hija porque esta se iba a casar y por consiguiente a formar su propia familia. Ese tema me remontó a mi propia boda, a las que he visto por televisión y a la que en un futuro voy a tener que asistir como la mamá de la novia. Sin tener una varita mágica para ver el futuro, las imágenes que bailaron en mi cabeza fueron las clásicas de la novia caminando de la mano del padre hacia el altar, la de el novio esperando, la de las damas (grandes y chiquitas) y por supuestos las de la mamá del novio y de la novia. Es muy chistoso porque por más que trato de recordar algo diferente siempre me encuentro ante la misma escena. La mamá del novio sonrriente y estóica como titán y la mamá de la novia, llorando como magdalena que casi parece que en vez de estar en una celebración está en un funeral. Algunas tratan de disimular y se secan las lágrimas discretamente con panuelitos que al parecer ya vienen incluidos en los bolsitos de mano que todas llevan. Pero como siempre digo, las lágrimas siempre pasan más trabajo para quedarse dentro que para salir. Hasta ahora nunca había reparado en lo que ese torrencial de agua salada significaba y hoy a escasos tres meses de ver nacer a la que en un futuro (espero que decentemente lejano) se va a convertir en esa mujer de la canción, me pregunté, ¿qué clase de mamá de la novia quieres ser?

Con tanto tiempo para prepararme y para prepararla (para el matrimonio hay que estar preparados, y no hablo de cocinar y bordar como en los tiempos de antes, hablo de dialogar y respetar) decidí que quería ser una mamá diferente, una mamá que no tiene que estar en el primer banco de la inglesia como mandan los estatutos. Prefiero estar desde donde pueda ver y sonreirle a la novia, donde podamos intercambiar un guiño que, traducido al lenguaje de los hombres diga "estoy feliz y convencida de lo que estoy haciendo". Ese es el tipo de mamá que quiero ser. solo espero que no haya mucha diferencia entre la mamá que quiero ser y la mamá que voy a ser, después de todo, tantos millones de madres no pueden estar equivocadas.

Con mucho cariño para todas las mamás, las lloronas y las estóicas,


Sunday, December 5, 2010

El triatlón es un deporte individual, todos sabemos eso. Es un deporte que llena mucho a los que lo hacemos y deja muy poco a los que solo miran. Los que lo practicamos no lo tomamos como algo pasajero o algo recreacional que es, según yo,como lo deberíamos tomar ya que es una cosa extracurricular y no nos pagan por eso. Pero no, un triatleta es alguien que dice "tengo que ir a entrenar" " tengo que tomar tal gel a tal hora" un triathleta no deja nada a la casualidad. Un gel mal tomado, una pastilla de sal no tomada a tiempo te puede mandar a la camilla con suero al final de una carrera o peor aun te puede hacer perder unos minutos visitando el baño o la acera para vomitar.Los triatletas no nos paramos a observar más que al de adelante en la bici para no chocar con él o pasarle. Y eso desde afuera se ve muy admirable.Se ven personas muy enfocadas que jamás hacen algo fuera de lo establecido o por elcontrario todo fuera de lo establecido. No es común encontrar a personas que en medio de una cena en sábado por la noche se nieguen una cerveza y un trasnochón in "The name of triathlon". Ahora del otro lado de las gradas siendo juez y no parte, he podido parpar lo que significa para los que rodean a este tipo de deportistas otra definición de la misma palabra.

: adiós sábados y domingos durmiendo hasta las 8.00 am.

Adiós rumba después de las 10.00 pm cualquier día del anio. No importa si estas en season o off season.

Héchale mas agua a la sopa, los otros triatletlas com los que pasarás la mayor parte de tu tiempo dejan de ser "teamates" y se vuelven familia. Amén por eso.

Contrato de (adjetivo que quieras) para la pareja de un triathleta

.No mas café y periódico sábados en la mañana. Los tendrás, pero lo disfrutaras sola.

.Ama a las pastas mas que a ti mismas. Se volverán tu mejor amiga.

.Nunca le pases cerca, siquiera con la mirada a la carísima bicicleta.

.Tampoco te pongas celosa de que cuesta más que tu zapatos o bolsa.

.Acepta que en algo que se pasa tanto tiempo hay que invertir.

.No compitas con la cantidad de tenis que un triathleta debe tener. Los dos se quedarán en la ruina si cada vez que él cambia de tenis, tu compras bolsa.

.Acepta que tus vacaciones serán en lugares tan exóticos como cualquier lugar que tenga montañas para practicar subidas.

Y por último. Vuelvete amiga del equipo con los que entrena, oirás mas de ellos que de los amigos del trabajo. De hecho en el trabajo tendrá pocos amigos debido a que ha perdido el interés por cualquier cosa que no sea el triatlón.

Si eres compañera de un triathleta y no te has unido al equipo, aprendete lo de arriba y no sufras, al fin y al cabo es mejor a que se vayan a emborrachar a un antro.

Si eres triatleta y tienes una compañera en casa que te aguanta, dale las gracias, no una, muchas veces y un fin de semana cambia todo lo que tenga que ver con el deporte por todo lo que tenga que ver con ella (cuando esta lesionado y el reposo es forzoso no cuenta, tienes que ser un fin de semana de entreno de los que te gustan) esto te garantizará buena cara por uno o dos meses.

Como siempe y con ganas de volver a escribir de otra cosa que no sea triatlón,

Lidicita :)

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Sometimes you can't...

I'm still pissed at what just happened to me so I don't know what will come out of my mind.

This morning when I was walking my dog I bumped into a lady that clearly had no bags to pick up the poop from her not one, but two dogs. I knew that and since I'm strongly against not picking up, I saw a fight coming like a meteorologist predicts a hurricane. I was still trying to give her the benefit of the doubt when she started talking to me about how cute my dog was. I said a polite"thanks" thinking that she might had picked up and dumped the bag since she was not from my building. But the meteorologist in me is almost never wrong and her dog pooped in front of me.

Needless to say, in one second I catapulted from a normal person to a big red tomato, to a normal person again, and in a very calm voice that I'm still wondering where it came from, I said:

-"Do you have a bag to pick that up?"
-"No, I don't pick up"
Please God don't abandon me right now, I really need you- I thought.
-"You better start thinking about picking up, we have kids playing here, you know"-I added.
-"This is not a park".
-"Is not a dog park either" I pointed out hoping that she would understand, but Mercury (the planet of communications) is retrograde in some other planet, and she added.
-"I was taught that dog poop is a grass fertilizer, so I don't need to pick up"
_"Yes, but this grass is artificial and doesn't need to be fertilized"
-"I'm from the old school-she replied taking two steps back and waving her hands like in the old school theater way said- "Besides, no one can tell me what to do in MY CITY."- yes, she said "IN MY CITY" with capital letters-
_" A police officer can give you a ticket for not picking up"- I added hoping to see an officer close enough so she could get a ticket, but god was only taking care of me not loosing my cool.-
-"I have paid a lot of tickets"Besides you can't change a 57 year old woman". "No one can"

She had a point, she disarmed me with that statement. But I'm stubborn and I really think we should do the right thing at all times (not that I've never run out of bags to pick up, but at least I make an effort on a daily basis and I make up for it the next day I can't be responsible owner). Trying to make some sense I added.
-New studies show (and I emphasized "New", so she could see my point) that dog waste can carry diseases that are harmful to humans"
-"Maybe you have a point"- That's all she said.

Defeated as I was felling, I tried to walk back home, but my dog was taking his time and I had to stay there for a few more minutes. Situation that she took on her favor because she started again.

-"Where are you from?"-
-"How long have you been here?"-
-"Three years"-
-"And you like it?"
-"Miami is a great city to live"-I added, more harsh this time.
-"It was. I don't like what they are doing with My City "- capital letters again, "This is the only city where people do not need to speak the language of the country. The only city where you have three languages to choose to apply for a driver's license .Spanish, Creole and English.I don't like this city anymore.My parents were born here.I was born in New York. The Spanish I know is because I lived in Puerto Rico for three years but that's it".
-"You are lucky you were born in a country with opportunities for everyone, in a country where so many people want to live"-
-"Yes, but "you" -now this is personal I thought- get here and "you" get help from the government with my tax money, and "you"... -"please god make me deaf right now so I don't have to hear this racist lady anymore"-...blah, blah, blah.
-"Like I said, you are lucky. Embrace it or move to another city"
-"Since when do I have to leave My City"
- Since you don't like it-I thought, but "Have a good day lady" was all I could managed to say and I walked away from her-
-"Thanks for the advise"- she yelled.

What could I have said, though or done? Nothing!!! That lady was trying to pick a fight with whomever crosses her path today. But that doesn't make me feel any better about the fact that I know, that she will never pick up her two dogs poop. It is not the end of the world, it's not even the fact that from time to time I have to clean my walking boots myself to get rid of dog poop. Is her resistance to change, to the new generation that is trying to make things better. When industrial revolution happened, nobody thought about the damage we were doing to our planet, and today, some are still resisting the idea of making the world a better place to live (like this lady and the ones driven only by the money obtained no matter the method). And that is sad because that lets us with practically no resources to fight but to wait for them to die developing a great amount of endurance and patience.

Like always

With love,


Saturday, August 14, 2010

Couldn't find a tittle for this one.

For many years The Twilight saga was to me what "Notebook" is to almost any man," yuck","no way I'm watching that girlie movie" "you better kill me". I think the reason behind girls wanting guys to watch that movie is no other than for educational reasons, sort to speak. That movie in particular talks about the way we want to be loved. The way love should be, and since we don't have any words to teach that lesson, we take them to the movies to see if they catch it by themselves. With not much accomplished, we go back to plan a, which is, keep dreaming/living until the next lesson takes any form for us to teach to them.

To my surprise I'm enjoying the twilight books, more than that, I'm "living" the books. Of course I have one of my friends reading the first one so we can comment and compare opinions, and for her sometimes "it was simple, just to much". For me is totally the opposite, not even a word has been exaggerated. I truly think that some people can love like that but I also know that even those lucky ones can't love everyone with that intensity. Is like a gift from up above.

I think for girls that is the goal, to find someone like Edward so we can unleash our Bellas.

So good luck finding your Noah, Allie, Edward, Bella. We all deserve it.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010


Yo solía pensar que lo mejor de estar en una relación de amigos del mismo sexo, era que precisamente que no se tenía sexo. Siempre decía que el sexo, solo empeoraba las cosas y no te dejaba salida, más que la de un Bye, Bye ,Sayonara, Hasta aquí !!!

Últimamente creo todo lo contrario. Con tu pareja tienes la posibilidad del “make up sex”, mientras que con tus amigos, como no hay posibilidad más que de un “sorry”, si la riegas, quedaste en la carretera. No importa que tan buenos amigos eran, con una cosa mal dicha, ya hiciste un daño igual de grande que el derrame de petróleo a nuestro ecosistema.

También creo que si trataras a tu pareja como tratas a un amigo que no quieres perder, tendrías menos “make up sex” y más “just because sex” ). Al final hay que hacer lo que decía y dice, como cantaleta mi mamá “No hagas lo que no te gusta que te hagan”, creo que esto es mas coherente y te lleva por caminos menos empedrados . Hablando de empedrados, hoy en el Tour de France están pasando por puros empedrados, ojalá que no hayan tantas caídas como en el stage 2.

Nada, vamos a practicar eso que decía mi mamá, pa´ver si arreglamos el mundo un poquito. Ojo, el mundo tiene arreglo y se empieza por cositas chiquititas.

Como siempre,
Lily ☺

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Stop, observe...and yes, bite your tongue.

Sometimes people just don't want to be saved. This is very painful to watch, but there is no way out to this situation other that to wait until people find their own way out.The more you (outsider) think you know about a situation, the less you actually know. It's very difficult for us as human beings to keep up with everything that is out there. There are a lot of rules we need to know, expectation we need to fulfill, codes we need to learn and the more we look outside, the more we stay away from our selves.

Sometimes it is your mom, sometimes your friends and sometimes, you. But whatever the case, when you know someone who is going "downhill", don't do anything about it because people in these situations"do what they can, no what they want".

So, yes, next time you are in this situation Stop, observe and bite your tongue because the person you are looking at has a lot to deal with and they probably know the truth, but its not the truth they want to live in...




Saturday, July 3, 2010


Is this for real? I can believe there's is no law for a infomercial like this one!!!
I don't really know what the hostess is doing?! a xxx movie casting or what?

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Por si acaso!!!

Yo me considero una mujer bastante esoterica y creo mucho en las energias y todo eso, peor si sigo oyendo canciones como "Mi primer millon" " A Dios le pido" y " I wanna be a billionaire" te juro que voy a volverme creyente en serio.

Que casualidad que a todos estos que han pedido se les a cumplido el chistecito. El unico que creo que no se cumplio fue el famosisismo "Ojala que llueva cafe en campo" de Juan Luis Guerra ya que ese, ademas de que era una metafora esta un poco dificil, no creen?

Sera que con solo pedir se nos cumplen los deseos. Dios, el universo y todos los que se encanrguan de complacer peticiones han sido muy buenos conmigo, no me puedo quejar, pero sera que les puedo pedir mas? A mi a veces me da miedo perdir mas porque creo que se van a enojar y me van a quitar hasta lo que tengo. Es como una vez un amigo con el que estaba hablando me dijo que Dios, deberia castigar a las mujeres traumadas, traumadas con el peso y que toda aquella que estuviera flaca/bien/saludable y que cree que no lo esta, solo porque se compara con las mujeres retocadas de las portadas de las revistas, deberia volverl agorda y con granos por unas horas para que supiera la diferencia.

A mi eso se me hace un poco drastico,pero creo que funcionaria!!!

Bueno eso es todo y como hoy ando un poco musical les dejo el video de Lady GaGa "Alejandro" como tarea y material de estudio ya que por mas que escucho la cancion no se que quiere decir.Lo que yo etiendo es que hizo un trhesome en Cancun.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Dream Big

A friend of mine once told me, that I’m a very ambitious woman, in a good way. After giving this statement some thought I determined, that yes, I am. But what’s left if not a little bit of enthusiasm for life and determination to make your dreams come true!

When I was living in Mexico, one time, on a fancy balcony, I said at loud “I’m going to conquer you Mexico”. This may sound like one of "Libertad Lamarque's" lines in any of her movies, but I said it so loud that the universe heard me and made, in its way, that statement come true.

In another occasion, during the most important party for Mexican’s and in the most important place for them (Palacio de Gobierno) charged with a cloud of energy, I said “ Some day I’m going to be your First Lady” Of course I didn’t become the Michelle Obama of Mexico and I didn’t “conquer” anything, but I got some positive experiences that make me happy with the person I am today. My statements,helped me become an actress in the most watched Spanish television network around the world and the only thing that made me stop was that I wasn’t becoming the actress I wanted to be.

For the first-lady-thing, I have to add that I was dating the son of a very respected politician, so pursuing a career in politics for him was not so crazy after all. During that time, I got to meet some people and I got to see some things that made me want to be the First Lady of Mexico.

Today I’m not even close to appearing on the cover of Forbes magazine(I have appeared on the cover of at least two other magazines) but I have my own business and although it is still a work in progress, I can say that I’m already dreaming on the next two or four moves from now. I don’t know which one of these will become reality and I don’t really care, but one thing is for sure, as long as I have something to fantasize with, I will.
So thank you Alfredito for your Sagittarius song, thank you Universe for listening and for delivering so much blessings on me and thank you friend’s, for all your patience, good vibes and support.

More than always,

Love, Peace and Love


Saturday, June 12, 2010

World Cup

Despite the one to one results we (women) got the chance to see at least very hansome players :)
Well done England and US too.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Check this out

Following the advise from my best, best, beeeeest friend, I have decided that I'm going to use the internet to promote my new project (not pregnant!!!(yet). Since I don't have Facebook and I have almost delivered one thousand flayers I want to go one step further and share this with who ever is interested.


Of course I'm excited and "nerviosa" but I think something really good is going to come up from this. Any advise? Tell me, I'm all ears.

With love,


Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Si del cielo....

...te caen limones aprende hacer limonada!!!

Eso dice una cancion y que razon tiene quien lo escribio. Resulta que hoy me puse hacer judias (ahora me ha dado por cocinar) y como estaba en veinte cosas a la vez se me pasaron de cocion.Esta es una manera fina de decir, que cinco minutos mas y se me habrian quemado. Resulta que cuando pude sacarle la presion a la olla y me disponia a revolver el ya saboreado potaje, me encontre con algo parecido a una foto sin brillo de algun desierto rocoso y blanco.Esas judias estaban mas seeecas que le rio Trubia en verano. Otro dicho dice que "el hambre es canija" y sera canija, pero eso que estaba en la olla estaba mas feo que el susto y tuve que darme a la tarea de arreglar o intentar arreglar, el desastre.Dos dientes de ajo despues, un chorrito de aceite de oliva extarvirgen (primera exraccion en frio) y mucho, pero mucho chorizo molido me abrieron de nuevo el apetito y ahora me dispongo a comer lo que parece ser un manjar.

Moraleja: Siempre que se pueda, rodeeen la hoja :)

Love, Peace and Love,


Monday, May 10, 2010

Mothers Day!!!

Although my mother still leaves in Cuba and I had none to buy a present for, I decided to go shopping on Saturday to taste the waters. To my surprise or maybe because I chose and outlet mall to do so, the place wasn't crowded as in Christmas time.
I saw a few people buying gifts with the hope that the receiver (mom/mother in law/new mother best friend)will like it. Taking time to think if the gift was going to be perfect for the occasion or not. On the other hand I saw a lot of people (no mostly man like you would think) buying just because "they had too". One time I heard
- Yea, that, Who cares? And minutes later
-It doesn't matter if it fits her or not.Just pay for it and lets get out of here. Have her change it later.

When I saw that, I immediately turned to my best friend and said.

-Listen, when I become a mother don't give me any presents.
-Why?- she asked
-Apparently its very stressful lately buy a present for someone.

I didn't say that loud enough so the other could hear me, but I wish I had.

How can anyone be so emotionally cheap with the one who gave you life,countless sleepless nights (for her) just to check how are you feeling and probably countless happiness too.In my opinion, only those who has been abused by their mothers have the right to feel that way. Although I strongly believe that indifference is better in any case.

Love your mom folks. Is the only one you have. Many don't have her close and for others their mom is already gone.

Monday, May 3, 2010

What's In, What's Out

I went to Saks today and to my surprise I saw the department I always visit first, full of little red squared cupboard on the top of every rack. I wasn't going to shop anything, actually I was going to pick something that I bought over the phone, but those little red squared cupboard always, always make me go piece by piece even when I'm short of time. So after a good hour going through every rack and finding everything fabulous and expensive I ask to my personal shopper (not that I need one, but she helps me to put things "in the back" and calls me when something new comes) What was going on and Why everything was so expensive?

With a wider than Hudson River smile, she answer.

"Oh that's not on sale, that's pre sale" Notice here that as soon as she was informing me this, her exictement grew as high as any good chef hat.

"Oh" I replyed with a 3 feet deep pool excitement. And what's so cool about the pre sale? I asked

And with a wink created by God for every creature from Venus she explained.

"Nothing really. Apparently the good thing about this is that you can brag in front of your friends that you already have that Tory Burch cardigan for Autumn"

Wow that's....(speechless here)...How none had have thought about that before, I joked. And who keep the things until fall? I asked again.

We do. You pay now and we order them and in six to eight weeks we'll send them directly to your house!!!

Hum, In six to eight weeks I will have forgotten what I bought.

That's the thing, you might end it up buying more because you forget.

The thing here is that as much as I forced myself to convince me that that sistem wouldn't work , a client next to me proved me otherwise.
She was paying for, no one but two pairs of Michael Kors and something else.

I took my bag and I rushed back home to drink a cup pf Joe until I digest that living in the past is out and knowing exactly what you are going to wear next fall is in.

30 sec English

English in 30 sec.

To many, going to school to learn anything is the way to go. For me, is either hands on learning or by repetitions. I learned how to swim when I was almost 5 and I'm still doing it. My coach is trying to fix the bad technique I learned in almost 15 years of swimming and I have made some progress, but the day I soaked swimming the way it's suppose to be, was the day I was swimming next to one of the youngest kids from Team Key Biscayne Accuatic. I think hes name is Nico and I will always remember that day because by watching and imitating him, I improved my technique.

Today was no different. I was going on the elevator, when a girl who was clearly an American, jumped in talking of course, on her cellphone.I wasn't really paying attention but when she started speaking again I started to listen because when something catches my attention, I swear by Coca Cola I'm a very good student. And there she was explaining to someone why "they shouldn't be doing what they are doing" and there I was, taking mental notes. So by the end of the 30 sec ride, I learned:

"they are throwing me out the bus because they are directing questions to the wrong person"

"you see what I'm saying?"

"where does this leave me" you see what I'm saying?

I know to you this might sound like prekindergarten English, but for me was awesome.

Like always,

With Love.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Because I want to.....

In order to do "lo que me de la gana" I'm gonna be posting songs a lit bit longer or "cuando me de la gana"


Love,love, love


Friday, April 30, 2010

At least 3

At least 3 are the reasons I'm going to give to support why being famous it's not so cool/nice after all.

1) In case you drive your own car, you can't pick your nose because it's possible a dumb ass paparazzi is taking pictures.

2) If you have people who help you at your house/office, you can't yell the way you want when you want.Unless of course you don't care them telling the press how Shrek you can go when they brake something. Is like when you have kids, in front of them you choose the conversation, the words, the tone, everything.

3) Last , but not least . If your husband/fiance/boyfriend cheats on you, you can't forgive him . At least not on the short term. Like in the case of Princess Madeleine of Sweden that has to call the wedding off because a girl claim she had an affair with the ex soon to be prince.

Let's face it!!! those things happen to everyone but only normal people like us, can do whatever they want. We can pick our noses, scream in our own houses and forgive whatever we want. Is like we own us and we also own them. In my POV I couldn't care less about other people life but there's something that still affects me. Why women always spill the beans??????????

Thursday, April 29, 2010


Just when I thought the world couldn't get any better. It did!!! I went to the supermarket today and I discovered the new (for me) Coca Cola 75oz. I almost never drink Coca, but when I've craved one I never drink the whole can/bottle. I think this is a good move. Practically none of my friends drink Coca anymore.Not because it's bad, like someone insists in pointing out with that e mail that has been around for years, explaining how bad coca can be.They have stopped just because we are more aware of the effects of sugar for instance. I don't think the soda business is at risk at all, but what I do think is that almost everybody, even the big companies, need to take actions in order to survive. For many years companies, news papers, governments could keep secrets from all of us, but now with the internet widespread all over the world it is almost impossible to keep "facts" out of sight. So yea, a very good movement indeed.

Speaking of keeping secrets. In my last trip to Cuba everybody was talking about the fight between Industriales (the champions) and Santi Spiritus. These two are baseball teams. Five years ago you couldn't imagine talk trash about almost anything there. Now you see almost every Cuban carrying a cell phone with cameras, recording everything, like in every other place in planet earth.And one hour later you can also see what they recorded on the internet. So yes, check that fight and you will see what I'm talking about.
Another right move? My friend Lisette's Alea new album. I can't wait to listen to it.

With love,


Tuesday, April 27, 2010

I'm sorry

But this one is so sexy, so now, so true....

I know what I can do if I get bored. A radio Station...jajajajaj

Ody lo logre?

Monday, April 26, 2010

I promess

Not only post the songs that I'm liking lately but you need to check this one out.

Love, Lily.

P.S: Write your comments below.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Happy song

Check the lyrics.I think is kind of sexy.

Your lipstick stains on the front lobe of my left side brains
I knew I wouldn't forget you, and so I went and let you blow my mind
Your sweet moonbeam, the smell of you in every single dream I dream
I knew when we collided, you're the one I have decided who's one of my kind

Hey soul sister, ain't the Mr. Mister on the radio, stereo, the way you move ain't fair, you know!
Hey soul sister, I don't want to miss a single thing you do...tonight
Hey, hey,hey

Just in time, I'm so glad you have a one-track mind like me
You gave my life direction, a game show love connection we can't deny
I'm so obsessed, my heart is bound to beat right out my untrimmed chest
I believe in you, like a virgin, you're Madonna, and I'm always gonna wanna blow your mind

Hey soul sister, ain't that Mr. Mister on the radio, stereo, the way you move ain't fair, you know!
Hey soul sister, I don't want to miss a single thing you do...tonight

The way you can't cut a rug, watching you's the only drug I need
You're so gangsta, I'm so thug, you're the only one I'm dreaming of
You see, I can be myself now finally, in fact there's nothing I can't be
I want the world to see you be with me

Hey soul sister, ain't that Mr. Mister on the radio, stereo, the way you move ain't fair, you know!
Hey soul sister, I don't want to miss a single thing you do tonight,
Hey soul sister, I don't want to miss a single thing you do...tonight
Hey, hey,hey

Hey, hey,hey


Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Hey, guys out there.....

This is small advice for you. Even when you have to be mean with us be nice!!!! I will explain right now.

Lest say you have to break up with your current beau. She's gonna be devastated no matter what, so why not leave us with a good note, with something we can tell to our friends while we eat that chocolate ice cream present in almost every break up! If you break up with your girl what happens next is that she's gonna gather all of her friends to tell the bad news and she will give a detailed description of the conversation you two had. So imagine her, eating ice cream while saying
He said " Its not you, is me. I'm not into relationship right now" ( and all that bullshit) or picture this
" He decided it was better if we don't see each other... but HE said ( sight here) I will always gonna be his baby girl" (crying here) more bullshit, but nicer. A "baby girl should last forever" but for the sake of the conversation with the friends you should leave it on a good note. We all going to be great full and we will explain to the defeated the pros of not being in that relationship anymore.

If you decided to take the other path we will have no other choice but fight back ( for our ego) and trust me, we are good at war. So next time you think is time for serious conversation ALWAYS, ALWAYS be nice, at least if you want to finish fast.

See ya all ;)

Thursday, April 15, 2010


Three things I love the most:

.Fortune Cookies
.And you.

You can't be thirty something and still believe in Santa. I was walking on Lincoln Rd with my dog and a guy ask for my phone. Did he really think I was going to give him my real one?

Lately I'm infatuated with Gap's play list.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

One step closer...

I first dreamed about a bike with a big pink basket and I got a Trek.Then i just wanted to get back in shape and started doing triathlon. For a year and a half i was a average age grouper and I was o.k with that.But lately I think something has changed.

First I'm training twice a day. Second I'm kicking so fast that I even surprise myself ( maybe I want to kick someone for real and I use water for that). Third and the most important, last week I FEEL OF THE BIKE and this week I GOT A FLAT TIRE. For those who don't know ,that means I'm training harder and more.As a consequence things that are more likely to happen to pro's, are happening to me, so Yes, that makes me HAPPY.

Speaking of pro's. Last weekend was the Nautica Sobe Triathlon and I got to see Criss Lieto (runner up at Ford World Championship, Hawaii) and Macca, another great, great ( he won hawaii once or twice) triathlete. And guess what? My girl teammates and me, took a picture with Macca.Does that means that I'm one step closer?

That's for me to find out. See you soon SheROX!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, April 12, 2010


Life is the best teacher to teach you how to organized your priorities. I think this is a hard lesson to learn, that's why you learn it through your entire life. Like Chinese that takes you 15 years to learn how to write the entire alphabet. Though with life is a little bit longer.Today while I was loading my best friend (the dishwasher) I discovered that in order to minimized electricity use and maximized the capacity of the dishwasher I needed to remove one of the kitchen appliances that I had already put in. At first I freaked out because I couldn't choose one and my first reaction was to take out the one less dirty for a second load. When I gave it a second thought I learned that if I reordered what was inside I would not even need to left anything out.
So a bowl moved to the upper part and an skillet moved to the left, I finally load my best friend and used one single dose of detergent, water and electricity. Sometimes in life if you stop and think thing twice chances are that you are going to get a better idea of whats going on and you are going to ended up saving time and emotions. So don't be afraid of reorganized, moved, take out whatever is stepping between you and your goals.

With love,


Friday, April 9, 2010

Biking and Life

I think bike and life have at least one similitude. When you fall out the bike you won't feel anything until the next day, unless of course you crash . Same thing happens with life, when you are up and then down. At first you are going to be in shock, in denial, but after a night of bad sleeping you will star to feel how things will start to hit you. Like hammer to nails.

Yeap I fell out of my Bike yesterday. Nothing serious, but still a fall. I normally ride with my team, but yesterday was one of those days when you have to train twice a day and you do one part alone. So I took my bike and went to where else, Key Biscayne. Everything was going smoothly, the sky was blue, the breeze very nice ( a lit bit of wind though) when a cyclist legend from the Key came close and started telling me how bad positioned I was on the bike. I knew it, that's why I bought a new par of shoes two weeks before and made an appointment for a professional bike fitting. We rode for a little bit more and when we got to Virginia Key he said "you know what, get off the bike, I need to fix your position". So I got off the bike like a professional student and let this professional of the bike do his work. When he was done and I tried the new position OMG I flew on the bike. So feeling invincible and happy because I'm going to be more efficient on the bike I started my way back home. When I got to Brickell ( my new place now) and saw the traffic I decided to take what seamed to be a wheel chair ramp . But not even close. It was a low side walk. Since I couldn't make a jump I fell :(
Nothing bad happen and I was even able to go to swim at night with the team, but today is a different a story.

Today I almost had to skip the morning shower because when the hot water touched my wounds, I almost scream. And that's when I started to compare real life and biking. When you get dumped or someone close to you dies, you don't get the whole picture until the next day. When you need to get back to your daily routing knowing you will not going to receive that call or that text from the person you like/love etc. The good thing is that there's always light at the end of the tunnel and every wound heels. Some take more time than you would like to but is OK, everything will be OK.

Like always,

with Love,


Thursday, April 8, 2010

Long time

Que de tiempo y cuantas cosas para escribir.Tengo una lista para ir sacando del tintero poco a poco. La verdad con la mudada me he quedado exausta pero aqui va mi pensamiento filosófico de uno de los puntos de mi lista.

Josh Duhamel engaña a Fergie con una Streeper. Tiger Woods, a su esposa con no sé cuantas, Jesse James a Sandra Bullock y Ricky Martin sale del closet, Por Fin!!!! Aunque parece que el cosmo se esta reordenando, no es asi. El cosmo sigue mandando señales que no acabamos de entender.Por ejemplo.

Si Tiger engaña a su esposa y la amante es la que manda el comunicado de prensa (que no paso asi pero al final el agua se sale por algun lado) como Jesse dos meses después comete el mismo error? Por otro lado esta Ricardo Martines, que lleva casi 40 años siendo gay y ningún hombre soltó la sopa. Eso quiere decir que él lleva 40 años sin tener relaciones. Of course not!!! Eso nos demuestra que a demás que tal vez Ricky hizo firmar papeles de confidencialidad, las mujeres no nos cayamos nada. Yo siempre he estado a favor de mi sexo pero lo de mantener estas cositas en una gaveta con llave parece que es un poco difícil.

Por lo que concluyo que los hombres en vez de irse a revolcar por ahí con cualquiera que les haga ojitos hoy y le saque los ojos mañana, deberían por lo menos tratar de convercer a sus respectivas por lo menos a ver peliculas eróticas (o hacer una)si es que ya se les acabó la pasión. Si de plano ya no hay de donde sacar pués ni modo, habrá que decidir si una vida sin pasión pero estable, vale la pena. Eso ya es de cada quien!!!

Lo otro es que no hay que ser homosexual para ser discretos!!!

Bye I´ll be back soon.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Strange little things about myself....

First of all, I think we all have our "strange little things" but not all of us share them.

My first one is the very first thing I do as soon as I wake up. Wich is not brushing my teeth. That, will come later, after I make the bed. That's right, I have to have my bed made. At all times, so when I comeback home and go to the room it looks like a magazine room :)

The second one is more creepy. I clean the kitchen counter BEFORE and after messing it up. Yeap. If I see a spec of dust, I will put my yellow gloves, grab the windex and start to clean. Once the mission is accomplished, I can relax and start cooking.

When my bed is made, my kitchen is clean and I have time, I grab a few magazines and I start reading them....BACKWARD!!!

So, yeap, that's me. No more magic? I don't think so. You will have to meet me to know me.

Love Lily

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

My last exercise.

Hello, long time since i've posted anything but not without writing. This are my last two excersice from my Creative Writing Class. Check it out and let me know what do you think. Cenqiu!!!!

The “I don’t believe in Santa” Club
By Lidice Pousa.

I was about to cry when the phone rang. Even though I knew it was nothing or anyone important, I couldn’t let it ring. I don’t know what happens to me that I can’t let any phone ring without answering. In the weird times I miss a call, I return it almost immediately, especially if it’s an unknown number. Curiosity kills cats, and me, because most of the unknown numbers are from Scams Companies. If I had any sort of disorder, it would be a phone disorder. On those days when my phone doesn’t ring, I think something is wrong with either the company or the artifact.

By the time I found the phone, I didn’t remember why I wanted to cry in the first place. My room wasn’t the sanctuary that it always is, and I couldn’t blame it, because rooms don’t fix themselves. This weekend, the one who normally does it (me), was to busy buried between pillows and Kleenex. I normally don’t cry, but this time it hurt so much, that I even used the powerful combination of Netflix and Haggen Daas, to help me get through this one.

When I say I don’t cry, it’s not because I don’t want to, it's because I can’t. And since for all the things you can’t do, there are always the ones you can. Thats why last night, after finishing my gallon of ice cream and August Rush, I wiped my tears off and coated my eyelashes with mascara at the same time I loosened my hair.

All my best friends were celebrating that one of them got promoted. They knew I wouldn’t come, so they decided to have me participate through the phone. I then thought, “No way I’m staying here, drowning in self pity.” Besides, two days should be enough to get over the love of your life.

So I did my face, my hair and headed to the Bar where I was supposed to meet the rest of the "I don’t believe in Santa Club". We are normally three, with the occasional and orbiting meteorites that crash into our galaxy from time to time.

Don’t get me wrong, we love those meteorites, and since some of the times we get tired of each other, we need the occasional meteorites to crash, but on a daily basis they are too busy to attend the frequents calls that the anchor trio make.

In terms of looks, on zero to ten scale, I could say we (individually) could easily be a nine. But I don’t want to sound too much like Paris Hilton, so I’m downgrading to an eight point five. Betsy, the lawyer, is a tall blonde. Jenifer “the focused” is also tall, but she’s more like a flavor of the month head, cause she changes her hair color like I change diets. And I’m Lu, nothing to write home about, but with such a grace to compensate my 5’2 that sometimes people refer to me as “cute little thing”. And in 2010 we all know that cute equals not so pretty, not so ugly.

On my way to the bar, the 82 year old lady who lives right next to my apartment, intercepted me on the stairs and asked me if everything was ok because she had heard noises from the bathroom.

-You’ve heard? Or you put a glass against the wall to actually hear?-I thought.

With my best smile I replied everything was good and kept going down to the ground floor. Nevertheless, and with a suspicious face, she looked at my wrist and smiled back with a
-If you say so
-What do you mean if I said so? I’m perfectly fine! And why do you care anyway!
-I just prefer the noises from the bedroom
Is this for real? Is this lady spying on me? I was about to say something but I decided to go outside and get some fresh air instead.
I remembered. The night before I was so pissed at J.P that I took all of our portraits and I smashed them against the wall. Mental note: next time burn them so the old lady doesn’t think I’m hurting myself.

How funny, when my dad divorced my mom, she immediately went to the drawer were the family album was stored and cut my dad out of all pictures. She also decided that the rest of the people on the picture shouldn’t be erased; so she took my dad out of every pictures and re did the picture with clear tape.

By the end of that mission and because we had tons of pictures, my parents got back together and it took my mom three months to bring my dad back to the pictures again. However, when this new task was achieved, my parents had decided not to be together once more. Because of this, I resolved that I would never do anything that drastic before certain period of time (a year for instance). That’s way I didn’t cut the pictures, just smashed the frames against the wall, just in case.

When I finally made it to the Bar and I saw my friends so happy, chatting, dancing and laughing I thought
-Maybe its not a good idea for me to spoil the party for them, so I stood there, looking at them for a good three minutes and I got back to the entrance, which by the way, now was the Exit.

* * *
Two days later I was still feeling that “Je ne sais quoi” that makes you stay still, because when you still a have a doubt about something, you shouldn’t do anything about it. So I went to work on automatic pilot like everyday, from Monday to Friday, from 10 to 7.
Honestly, I think my hours are more fashionable than 9 to 5. When I think about people who work 9 to 5, I picture people that work for the government and always treat you like if you were not paying for their salaries. Besides, my job has to do with fashion (in a way). I’m a sales representative and marketing director for L’Oreal. But don’t get swayed by my job title, what I actually do is arrange L’Oreal products on Airports Stands to make them noticeable to you, so you can buy more.
As I was sitting on my desk, in front of my computer, I noticed a peculiar smell that doesn’t belong to a cosmetic office but I ignored it and went straight to my calendar to check the to do’s.

-Shit!!!!. Sometimes I hate things that help you remember things, bdays, valentines days and all dates you are supposed to be celebrating with your loved ones.
Today is JP’s bday and I made a reservation in this ultra-hard to get a room-boutique hotel with a very special surprise for him. But I guess I will have to cancel or give it to someone who actually has a “someone” to celebrate with.
- I can’t give it to anyone. The special surprise is not something you can brag about. I don’t imagine Betsy or Jennifer all wrapped in seaweed with pieces of sushi covering them. Yes, part of the surprise was me waiting at the room wearing a seaweed suit on a table with sushi pieces placed in strategic places.

* * *
With this many hours to find someone trustable to spent the night with, I decided that “renting” someone would not be a bad idea. After all, men are very well known for using these services and for providing them as well. Nothing could go wrong. Except that all went wrong.
So Yellow Pages in hand, I started my search with the ones that had pictures when a 6’2 dark haired, dark skin, brown eyes, caught my attention, so I called.
An also “dark” voice answered the phone and I immediately hung up. Stupid me, another mental note: always, always use *67 before calling an unknown number. They called back.
-Don’t be shy. I know why you are calling.
-Oh, no. It was an honest mistake.
-How do you know you reached a wrong number if you didn’t ask for anyone?
-Erh, hmm, ahh…. well, I was trying to reach ahhhm, Elaine, and you are clearly not Elaine
-Oh Honey, that depends on what you want me to do. I can be either Elaine or Eloy.
For a few seconds I said nothing and I though- this Elaine/Eloy has my number so if I piss him/her of she/he could easily reach me. Mental note again: take my number out of any public directory!
-Erh, Are you tall and have black hair? I asked with a weak voice
-“HAHAHAHA”. I heard from the other side of the phone
-You are looking for Bri, I mean Brian. Oh Honey, Bri doesn’t work with me anymore. He opened his own business. I mean, he stole my clients and ran away. But don’t expect me to give you his number darling.
- “Oh no no no”. I rushed and I stopped to say. “I’m sorry to hear that.”
We both went silent for a minute as if we knew what was going on in our heads. Then he asked
- Dear, is there anything I can do for you?
-Hum. Do you know The Clockwise Hotel?
-Are you kidding me? Everybody knows and would kill to stay in that hotel. Why do you ask? Are you the owner?
- Oh no. I’m not the owner, but I can invite you for a drink there.
Another silent moment
-Honey, how old are you? Are you ugly? Are you limping or something?
-Well not really. Neither ugly nor old. Why?
-Baby, a girl like you shouldn’t be calling me unless she wants to get back at her boyfriend.
- How on earth didn’t this occur to me? This is even better than sleeping with some random guy!!! I felt as if I’d won the Lottery. A really chunky lottery. I dropped the phone and started dancing.
-Hello? Are you there?
I’m still dancing. Actually I’m picturing JP’s face when he sees Elaine/Eloy dancing for him in his parent’s house.
- Ah yes, yes I’m still here. Listen I want to ask you something. Are you free toninght?
-Yes, why?
-Are you free like right now?
Absolutely dear. What’s the address?
After that call and feeling much better about life. I put on a mini skirt, glossy lipstick and headed to The Clockwise Hotel. Expecting nothing less than drinking the whole bar by and go up to the room all by myself where sushi is waiting and treating my hangover the next day at the very expensive hotel spa….

Saturday, February 6, 2010

It must suck to live in Philly

Yes. I was watching the news this morning, and the Weather Channel was informing about a snowstorm that is happening in that area. They’re even speculating about, that this could be one of the most severe one in the history.

Now the airports are closed, and people who live there are getting ready to spend a whole weekend inside their houses. For those who worked a lot last week, this situation must be heaven, cause they’re going to get to spend the entire weekend doing nothing, with no other explanation that, "they absolutely can’t leave the house".
But I’m thinking about the ones that don’t even live there,the ones that went for business trip and get stock at the airport. Philadelphia is a very important city in that region, for many reasons, but that airport is a very important one for connecting flights that comes and goes to everywhere in The States.

Imagine you planned ahead a vacation and you can’t leave the airport. Imagine you got a package to come to Disneyworld and you couldn’t make it. How do you explained that to your children, whom by this time, must be as excited to meet Mickey, the mousse,and the entire princess collection, as much as to see Santa on Xmas.

Or imagine, that you were going to your Own Wedding and you can’t leave the airport. I mean this is a real catastrophe for all the reasons you are probably thinking right now. But what if you haven’t seen your (title here) in two months and you really want to see him or (her). How do you explained to your hormones they need to wait for the storm to pass? (This is a hard one).

Anyways, I always watch the news and they’re always saying something like this is happening in Philadelphia, for what I conclude.

It must suck to live in Philly.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Bienvenida La Paz

Hace muchos años, cuando me mudé a vivir a México,llegué con la idea de lo que me contaba una amiga mía que se la pasaba muy bien, y con muy poco (casi nulo) conocimineto de su historia.

A medida que me iba haciendo literalmente mexicana, aprendí mucho.Desde hacer rajas con crema, hasta de su historia(sobre todo de la que escriben día a día). Y en mi humilde opinión creo que México tiene varias historias. Una, es la que te cuentan los muy ricos muuuuy ricos, que se hicieron dueños del país prácticamente sin títulos rimbombantes de universidades y con amistades muy influyentes y otra, es la del resto del país que incluye desde los que sobreviven con dos tortillas al día, hasta la clase media que cada día se pega más a la parte ancha de la piramide. Y es que en México muy pocos caen pa arriba.

En tres ocaciones fuí víctima de la violencia que se vive en ese país y debo confesar que aunque ya pasaron muchos años de esos acontecimientos, mi proceso de sanación por llamarlo de alguna manera empezó cuando ya no tuve que vivir más en él. Día tras día, subirme a mi carro (del año o no) era un verdadero suplicio, porque a toda hora eres blanco de los que en nombre de su pésima situacion económica te hacen pasar horas, y en ocaciones días, de verdadera agonía.

Escribo esto no para purgarme,(ya no lo necesito,no ver las noticias y la vista que tengo del mar me curan),pero hace un rato leí unas cartas que el hijo de Pablo Escobar escribió en su Blog para Mexico que tristemente esta repitiendo la historia de Colombia. Y me acordé de una pregunta que yo me hice muchas veces cuando vivía allá.

-Qué sentirán los hijos de los autores de crímenes y eventos como los que ocurren día a día en el mundo.

Cuando tienes cierta edad es muy fácil que no te des cuenta de nada, pero, que pasa cuando ya tu conciencia tiene voz propia.

Y en estas cartas que leí hoy, encontré las repsuestas.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

From the past with love.

Iba a empezar este blog hablando de el famosísimo y esperadísimo (no por mí) iPad, pero me dí cuenta que si hacía eso me habría saltado tres pueblos de lo que en realidad, quería escribir desde hace algunos días.
Yo no sé si alguno se haya dado cuenta de lo rápido que estamos viviendo. Por ejemplo, mi generación, que nació después de la guerra fría,Watergate scandal, el hombre en la luna y el lavatrastos, tiene una desventaja enorme con los niños de hoy, que con tan solo 15 ó 20 años de diferencia, ya hablan lenguaje de computadora como segunda lengua.
Aunque yo no pueda vivir sin Internet, la computadora para mí es todavía un medio de ocio, para muchos, una necesidad.
Hoy estaba hablando con una de mis mejores amigas y estábamos comentando de un libro de cocina que se compró de Jaime Olivier y lo que más me tenía embobada de su historia, es la referencia que hace este chef al pasado. A cuando la gente comía caliente, y no caliente de microwave. El se refiere en todo momento al acto que hacían nuestras abuelas, todos los días, tres veces al dia por 70 años. Hoy, con todo lo que se espera de la mujer, es imposible cocinar decentemente sino tienes ayuda; y si la tienes no pierdas tu trabajo.
La mujer de hoy tiene que ir al gimnasio, llevar a los niños impecables a la escuela, irse a trabajar, recoger a los niños, pasar por la lavandería, el súper, llenar el coche de gasolina, comer una manzana al dia, diez uvas, no mayonesa, ponerse la crema de día, más el bloqueador solar, maquillarse para verse divina en todo momento, caminar en tacones matadores y carísimos, quitarse el maquillaje y las cremas que se puso en la mañana, lavarse la cara, volver a ponerse las cremas, ahora las de la noche, cepillarse los dientes, usar hilo dental, atender al marido y ser su amiga su amante y su madre y por si fuera poco, y le sobra tiempo, hacer un maratón.
Mi abuela que si cocinaba tres veces al día, nunca tenía catarro, nuca tomaba vitaminas, no tenia arrugas y no sabia que era la celulitis. Pero sabia de Pi. a Pa., la calidad de las telas, cuando un mamey estaba bueno con solo mirarlo y que la luna era lo que te bajaban los hombres cuando querían "algo".
En el tiempo de antes, la ropa se secaba al sol, (o al aire dependiendo de la ciudad y del clima de la misma) por lo que la ropa no se encogía. Cuando las calcetas de los hombres tenían huecos, envolvías un bombillo con ellas y las zurcías. Este método era infalible. En vez de ir al supermercado, ibas a la pescadería, carnicería o cremeria, en donde con mucho conocimiento de causa el vendedor, que además te llamaba por tu nombre y sabia cuantas personas habían en tu familia, te atendía siempre de buen agrado. Los televisores, además de que eran en blanco y negro, se cambiaban por botones en el mismo aparato, y sentarse a leer Vanidades era un verdadero placer.
Ahora, tan solo cincuenta años después, Vanidades y todas sus primas, amigas y enemigas, están a punto de desaparecer y los periódicos junto con ellas. Al paso que vamos, es muy probable que el iPad sea obsoleto en el 2015. Pronto igual y nos instalan un chip y mediante satélites todos los días, desde una súper computadora, nos mandan toda la información que necesitamos y la que no necesitamos también.
Yo no sé, pero a veces tengo unas ganas de volver a ese tiempo, donde 24 h eran eternas y hasta te podías dar el lujo de aburrirte. Se me antoja pensar, que por un lado, esta eliminación de la imprenta ayuda mucho al planeta donde vivimos, pero construyendo nuevos aparatos, nuevos coches y mas artefactos que hagan mas por menos, estamos de alguna manera, ensuciando otra vez.
Yo creo que excepto la mesa de comer, todos los demás aparatos que tengo en mi casa, me dan la hora, toman fotos, tienen despertador, calculadora, juegos y una memoriaaaaa, que a veces me gustaría que alguno se rompiera para desconectarme, pero que va, estos aparatejos tienen más vidas que un gato y bailan al son de esa canción que dice- Antes muerta que sencilla- y además, antes que se les acabe la primera vida ya llegó otro , que aunque lo único que tiene de diferente es el color, es nuevo.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

It was raining over SOBE.... Happiness

I'm training for the Miami ING Half Marathon and today I had to run for two hours so I decided going to south beach aka SOBE to change the usual route. It was not my first time running there but it was my first time realizing how diversified that path is.
I saw a lot of Jewish people, I mean the real ones, with long skirts and tennis shoes and something that I don't know how to call on their heads. They were walking in groups of three or four, chatting, smiling, all women though. I wonder now, were where their men? Hum, the temple maybe?
I saw a lot of black people. I don't like to call them African-American cause that's not a color.
My favorite was a woman, so secure about herself, that she was wearing a top that accentuated so well her boobs, that I couldn't miss the fact that one, was pointing to the east and the other one to the west.
I saw a lot a bums, balds, skate rollers and volleyball players. I also saw a lot of couples ( gays included), holding hands, running (like me). A few families, lots of children. A bunch of dogs, and even dogs that looked the way they all looked: Happy.
Happy just for being there; we all went there for different reasons, with different problems, backgrounds,religions.But we all looked the same. At least that's was my impression. So next time you feel happy, go there so you can share your happiness. Sad? go there too and you will certainly get some happiness from others.
So I decided, that from now on, the path that I ran today, will be the place I will want to go when sad or happy.
Love Lily.

Monday, January 4, 2010

TV Show's.

Omg. It's been forever since I turned my T.V on. And now that I think about it, I should watch T.V more often cause its going to give me a lot to write about.

I'm choosing The Bachelor to start with. I've never watched any season of this show before and I must confess that I was in shock when i did it for the first time.Not because of The Bachelor but for the girls. They look so desperate, and not because they are about to meet the guy of "their" lifes. They look desperate to apear on national T.V. Actually I have the feeling that when they get kicked of the show they cry because the next day nobody will remember them. That's my impression anyway.

The other thing I just saw was, The Peoples Choice Awar. Well done for the Product Integration. They outdid American Idol with Coca Cola. The part when they ofered pizza to the audience made it seem like a five course fancy dinner, was great. Ah, and Ashton Kutcher and his Tweeter. The Other funny thing was the HUGE amount of actresses that came to the show wearing shoes impossible to walk on, and dresses imposible to fit in. Don't they know you shouldn't try anything new on the show day? Even the young Taylor Swift knows that. Actually she has mastered that cause she looked like she was sleeping in a wax box since the award when Kanye West tried to still the show. So cero for Mariah with that dress, 1 point to Carried,she almost fell and tried to make fun of herself( cero funny) and two to Carrie Walsh. Bravo for Sandra.

I need to sleep now but I have The biggest Looser in mind.

Oh one last thing. Was it my imagination or the one who presented the female artist was unhappy (again) cause Taylor Swift beat Beyonce again? Get use to it. People who really vote are people that have pretty much nothing to do and Beyonce is a favorite among young professionals.