Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Strange little things about myself....

First of all, I think we all have our "strange little things" but not all of us share them.

My first one is the very first thing I do as soon as I wake up. Wich is not brushing my teeth. That, will come later, after I make the bed. That's right, I have to have my bed made. At all times, so when I comeback home and go to the room it looks like a magazine room :)

The second one is more creepy. I clean the kitchen counter BEFORE and after messing it up. Yeap. If I see a spec of dust, I will put my yellow gloves, grab the windex and start to clean. Once the mission is accomplished, I can relax and start cooking.

When my bed is made, my kitchen is clean and I have time, I grab a few magazines and I start reading them....BACKWARD!!!

So, yeap, that's me. No more magic? I don't think so. You will have to meet me to know me.

Love Lily