Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Por si acaso!!!

Yo me considero una mujer bastante esoterica y creo mucho en las energias y todo eso, peor si sigo oyendo canciones como "Mi primer millon" " A Dios le pido" y " I wanna be a billionaire" te juro que voy a volverme creyente en serio.

Que casualidad que a todos estos que han pedido se les a cumplido el chistecito. El unico que creo que no se cumplio fue el famosisismo "Ojala que llueva cafe en campo" de Juan Luis Guerra ya que ese, ademas de que era una metafora esta un poco dificil, no creen?

Sera que con solo pedir se nos cumplen los deseos. Dios, el universo y todos los que se encanrguan de complacer peticiones han sido muy buenos conmigo, no me puedo quejar, pero sera que les puedo pedir mas? A mi a veces me da miedo perdir mas porque creo que se van a enojar y me van a quitar hasta lo que tengo. Es como una vez un amigo con el que estaba hablando me dijo que Dios, deberia castigar a las mujeres traumadas, traumadas con el peso y que toda aquella que estuviera flaca/bien/saludable y que cree que no lo esta, solo porque se compara con las mujeres retocadas de las portadas de las revistas, deberia volverl agorda y con granos por unas horas para que supiera la diferencia.

A mi eso se me hace un poco drastico,pero creo que funcionaria!!!

Bueno eso es todo y como hoy ando un poco musical les dejo el video de Lady GaGa "Alejandro" como tarea y material de estudio ya que por mas que escucho la cancion no se que quiere decir.Lo que yo etiendo es que hizo un trhesome en Cancun.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Dream Big

A friend of mine once told me, that I’m a very ambitious woman, in a good way. After giving this statement some thought I determined, that yes, I am. But what’s left if not a little bit of enthusiasm for life and determination to make your dreams come true!

When I was living in Mexico, one time, on a fancy balcony, I said at loud “I’m going to conquer you Mexico”. This may sound like one of "Libertad Lamarque's" lines in any of her movies, but I said it so loud that the universe heard me and made, in its way, that statement come true.

In another occasion, during the most important party for Mexican’s and in the most important place for them (Palacio de Gobierno) charged with a cloud of energy, I said “ Some day I’m going to be your First Lady” Of course I didn’t become the Michelle Obama of Mexico and I didn’t “conquer” anything, but I got some positive experiences that make me happy with the person I am today. My statements,helped me become an actress in the most watched Spanish television network around the world and the only thing that made me stop was that I wasn’t becoming the actress I wanted to be.

For the first-lady-thing, I have to add that I was dating the son of a very respected politician, so pursuing a career in politics for him was not so crazy after all. During that time, I got to meet some people and I got to see some things that made me want to be the First Lady of Mexico.

Today I’m not even close to appearing on the cover of Forbes magazine(I have appeared on the cover of at least two other magazines) but I have my own business and although it is still a work in progress, I can say that I’m already dreaming on the next two or four moves from now. I don’t know which one of these will become reality and I don’t really care, but one thing is for sure, as long as I have something to fantasize with, I will.
So thank you Alfredito for your Sagittarius song, thank you Universe for listening and for delivering so much blessings on me and thank you friend’s, for all your patience, good vibes and support.

More than always,

Love, Peace and Love


Saturday, June 12, 2010

World Cup

Despite the one to one results we (women) got the chance to see at least very hansome players :)
Well done England and US too.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Check this out

Following the advise from my best, best, beeeeest friend, I have decided that I'm going to use the internet to promote my new project (not pregnant!!!(yet). Since I don't have Facebook and I have almost delivered one thousand flayers I want to go one step further and share this with who ever is interested.


Of course I'm excited and "nerviosa" but I think something really good is going to come up from this. Any advise? Tell me, I'm all ears.

With love,
