Sunday, July 4, 2010

Stop, observe...and yes, bite your tongue.

Sometimes people just don't want to be saved. This is very painful to watch, but there is no way out to this situation other that to wait until people find their own way out.The more you (outsider) think you know about a situation, the less you actually know. It's very difficult for us as human beings to keep up with everything that is out there. There are a lot of rules we need to know, expectation we need to fulfill, codes we need to learn and the more we look outside, the more we stay away from our selves.

Sometimes it is your mom, sometimes your friends and sometimes, you. But whatever the case, when you know someone who is going "downhill", don't do anything about it because people in these situations"do what they can, no what they want".

So, yes, next time you are in this situation Stop, observe and bite your tongue because the person you are looking at has a lot to deal with and they probably know the truth, but its not the truth they want to live in...





  1. Un mono estaba sacando los peces de un río y poniéndolos en un árbol mientras decía: "pobrecitos, se están ahogando" :)

  2. Si ese pasaje es del La princesita que creia en los cuentos de hadas :)
