Iba a empezar este blog hablando de el famosísimo y esperadísimo (no por mí) iPad, pero me dí cuenta que si hacía eso me habría saltado tres pueblos de lo que en realidad, quería escribir desde hace algunos días.
Yo no sé si alguno se haya dado cuenta de lo rápido que estamos viviendo. Por ejemplo, mi generación, que nació después de la guerra fría,Watergate scandal, el hombre en la luna y el lavatrastos, tiene una desventaja enorme con los niños de hoy, que con tan solo 15 ó 20 años de diferencia, ya hablan lenguaje de computadora como segunda lengua.
Aunque yo no pueda vivir sin Internet, la computadora para mí es todavía un medio de ocio, para muchos, una necesidad.
Hoy estaba hablando con una de mis mejores amigas y estábamos comentando de un libro de cocina que se compró de Jaime Olivier y lo que más me tenía embobada de su historia, es la referencia que hace este chef al pasado. A cuando la gente comía caliente, y no caliente de microwave. El se refiere en todo momento al acto que hacían nuestras abuelas, todos los días, tres veces al dia por 70 años. Hoy, con todo lo que se espera de la mujer, es imposible cocinar decentemente sino tienes ayuda; y si la tienes no pierdas tu trabajo.
La mujer de hoy tiene que ir al gimnasio, llevar a los niños impecables a la escuela, irse a trabajar, recoger a los niños, pasar por la lavandería, el súper, llenar el coche de gasolina, comer una manzana al dia, diez uvas, no mayonesa, ponerse la crema de día, más el bloqueador solar, maquillarse para verse divina en todo momento, caminar en tacones matadores y carísimos, quitarse el maquillaje y las cremas que se puso en la mañana, lavarse la cara, volver a ponerse las cremas, ahora las de la noche, cepillarse los dientes, usar hilo dental, atender al marido y ser su amiga su amante y su madre y por si fuera poco, y le sobra tiempo, hacer un maratón.
Mi abuela que si cocinaba tres veces al día, nunca tenía catarro, nuca tomaba vitaminas, no tenia arrugas y no sabia que era la celulitis. Pero sabia de Pi. a Pa., la calidad de las telas, cuando un mamey estaba bueno con solo mirarlo y que la luna era lo que te bajaban los hombres cuando querían "algo".
En el tiempo de antes, la ropa se secaba al sol, (o al aire dependiendo de la ciudad y del clima de la misma) por lo que la ropa no se encogía. Cuando las calcetas de los hombres tenían huecos, envolvías un bombillo con ellas y las zurcías. Este método era infalible. En vez de ir al supermercado, ibas a la pescadería, carnicería o cremeria, en donde con mucho conocimiento de causa el vendedor, que además te llamaba por tu nombre y sabia cuantas personas habían en tu familia, te atendía siempre de buen agrado. Los televisores, además de que eran en blanco y negro, se cambiaban por botones en el mismo aparato, y sentarse a leer Vanidades era un verdadero placer.
Ahora, tan solo cincuenta años después, Vanidades y todas sus primas, amigas y enemigas, están a punto de desaparecer y los periódicos junto con ellas. Al paso que vamos, es muy probable que el iPad sea obsoleto en el 2015. Pronto igual y nos instalan un chip y mediante satélites todos los días, desde una súper computadora, nos mandan toda la información que necesitamos y la que no necesitamos también.
Yo no sé, pero a veces tengo unas ganas de volver a ese tiempo, donde 24 h eran eternas y hasta te podías dar el lujo de aburrirte. Se me antoja pensar, que por un lado, esta eliminación de la imprenta ayuda mucho al planeta donde vivimos, pero construyendo nuevos aparatos, nuevos coches y mas artefactos que hagan mas por menos, estamos de alguna manera, ensuciando otra vez.
Yo creo que excepto la mesa de comer, todos los demás aparatos que tengo en mi casa, me dan la hora, toman fotos, tienen despertador, calculadora, juegos y una memoriaaaaa, que a veces me gustaría que alguno se rompiera para desconectarme, pero que va, estos aparatejos tienen más vidas que un gato y bailan al son de esa canción que dice- Antes muerta que sencilla- y además, antes que se les acabe la primera vida ya llegó otro , que aunque lo único que tiene de diferente es el color, es nuevo.
Este blog esta dedicado a mi, a las cosas que me gustan y a las que me disgustan. A las que me afectan y sobre todo a las que me hacen crecer como persona. Pido una disculpa a mis amigos (que son los unicos que lo leen,aunque lo escribo como si yo fuera un best seller) por los acentos no puestos, por las comas "comidas" y por las reglas ortograficas no incluidas aqui. Cuando escribo no pienso....mas bien escribo a la velocidad que pienso.
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Sunday, January 17, 2010
It was raining over SOBE.... Happiness
I'm training for the Miami ING Half Marathon and today I had to run for two hours so I decided going to south beach aka SOBE to change the usual route. It was not my first time running there but it was my first time realizing how diversified that path is.
I saw a lot of Jewish people, I mean the real ones, with long skirts and tennis shoes and something that I don't know how to call on their heads. They were walking in groups of three or four, chatting, smiling, all women though. I wonder now, were where their men? Hum, the temple maybe?
I saw a lot of black people. I don't like to call them African-American cause that's not a color.
My favorite was a woman, so secure about herself, that she was wearing a top that accentuated so well her boobs, that I couldn't miss the fact that one, was pointing to the east and the other one to the west.
I saw a lot a bums, balds, skate rollers and volleyball players. I also saw a lot of couples ( gays included), holding hands, running (like me). A few families, lots of children. A bunch of dogs, and even dogs that looked the way they all looked: Happy.
Happy just for being there; we all went there for different reasons, with different problems, backgrounds,religions.But we all looked the same. At least that's was my impression. So next time you feel happy, go there so you can share your happiness. Sad? go there too and you will certainly get some happiness from others.
So I decided, that from now on, the path that I ran today, will be the place I will want to go when sad or happy.
Love Lily.
I saw a lot of Jewish people, I mean the real ones, with long skirts and tennis shoes and something that I don't know how to call on their heads. They were walking in groups of three or four, chatting, smiling, all women though. I wonder now, were where their men? Hum, the temple maybe?
I saw a lot of black people. I don't like to call them African-American cause that's not a color.
My favorite was a woman, so secure about herself, that she was wearing a top that accentuated so well her boobs, that I couldn't miss the fact that one, was pointing to the east and the other one to the west.
I saw a lot a bums, balds, skate rollers and volleyball players. I also saw a lot of couples ( gays included), holding hands, running (like me). A few families, lots of children. A bunch of dogs, and even dogs that looked the way they all looked: Happy.
Happy just for being there; we all went there for different reasons, with different problems, backgrounds,religions.But we all looked the same. At least that's was my impression. So next time you feel happy, go there so you can share your happiness. Sad? go there too and you will certainly get some happiness from others.
So I decided, that from now on, the path that I ran today, will be the place I will want to go when sad or happy.
Love Lily.
Monday, January 4, 2010
TV Show's.
Omg. It's been forever since I turned my T.V on. And now that I think about it, I should watch T.V more often cause its going to give me a lot to write about.
I'm choosing The Bachelor to start with. I've never watched any season of this show before and I must confess that I was in shock when i did it for the first time.Not because of The Bachelor but for the girls. They look so desperate, and not because they are about to meet the guy of "their" lifes. They look desperate to apear on national T.V. Actually I have the feeling that when they get kicked of the show they cry because the next day nobody will remember them. That's my impression anyway.
The other thing I just saw was, The Peoples Choice Awar. Well done for the Product Integration. They outdid American Idol with Coca Cola. The part when they ofered pizza to the audience made it seem like a five course fancy dinner, was great. Ah, and Ashton Kutcher and his Tweeter. The Other funny thing was the HUGE amount of actresses that came to the show wearing shoes impossible to walk on, and dresses imposible to fit in. Don't they know you shouldn't try anything new on the show day? Even the young Taylor Swift knows that. Actually she has mastered that cause she looked like she was sleeping in a wax box since the award when Kanye West tried to still the show. So cero for Mariah with that dress, 1 point to Carried,she almost fell and tried to make fun of herself( cero funny) and two to Carrie Walsh. Bravo for Sandra.
I need to sleep now but I have The biggest Looser in mind.
Oh one last thing. Was it my imagination or the one who presented the female artist was unhappy (again) cause Taylor Swift beat Beyonce again? Get use to it. People who really vote are people that have pretty much nothing to do and Beyonce is a favorite among young professionals.
I'm choosing The Bachelor to start with. I've never watched any season of this show before and I must confess that I was in shock when i did it for the first time.Not because of The Bachelor but for the girls. They look so desperate, and not because they are about to meet the guy of "their" lifes. They look desperate to apear on national T.V. Actually I have the feeling that when they get kicked of the show they cry because the next day nobody will remember them. That's my impression anyway.
The other thing I just saw was, The Peoples Choice Awar. Well done for the Product Integration. They outdid American Idol with Coca Cola. The part when they ofered pizza to the audience made it seem like a five course fancy dinner, was great. Ah, and Ashton Kutcher and his Tweeter. The Other funny thing was the HUGE amount of actresses that came to the show wearing shoes impossible to walk on, and dresses imposible to fit in. Don't they know you shouldn't try anything new on the show day? Even the young Taylor Swift knows that. Actually she has mastered that cause she looked like she was sleeping in a wax box since the award when Kanye West tried to still the show. So cero for Mariah with that dress, 1 point to Carried,she almost fell and tried to make fun of herself( cero funny) and two to Carrie Walsh. Bravo for Sandra.
I need to sleep now but I have The biggest Looser in mind.
Oh one last thing. Was it my imagination or the one who presented the female artist was unhappy (again) cause Taylor Swift beat Beyonce again? Get use to it. People who really vote are people that have pretty much nothing to do and Beyonce is a favorite among young professionals.
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